Each year, and especially this year (thanks to Covid), several of our shows have sold out fairly quickly. We don't take this fact for granted and it's because of you - our loyal guests and Season Partners - that we can attribute this success. Now, we encourage everyone to book early, however, there are many who at the opening of the show are still looking for tickets. To these last-minute buyers, we dedicate this blog post!

We are familiar with the drop in your stomach feeling when you see that SOLD OUT banner across that show you've been itching to see! But unfortunately, whenever you see that SOLD OUT banner across a show, it means we either have a few single seats or we have zero seats available. The Alhambra Theatre is a rare breed in that we are a totally ticket-less venue. So if you are looking for seats, most third-party sites or persons offering an after-market ticket sale are fraudulent. There is no way to ensure that their reservation is transferred to a different party. For example, Sally could sell you her seats, take your money and show up anyway, check-in under HER name and spend your cash on a nice bottle of wine - leaving you trying to check-in under her name at the podium and "holding the bag." With that being said, the best way to score tickets to a sold out show is to call us or check frequently online to see if there have been any cancellations leading up to your desired show date. People cancel or reschedule their reservation for all sorts of reason - illness (please reschedule if you are ill!), change of plans, no babysitter, etc. Whatever the reason, we pride ourselves on being the only venue in town that doesn't penalize you for cancelling, even at the last minute. Although our tickets are non-refundable, and we do charge a day of show transfer fee, for those who give us at least a 24-hour heads-up, we offer a full reimbursement to their Alhambra account as a House Credit. These credits never expire and can be used for any future show.
The best way to score tickets to a sold out show is to call us or check frequently online to see if there have been any cancellations leading up to your desired show date.

This means that every so often, we will have seats come available at the last minute - from a few days before or the day of the show - and that can mean a big score for someone who has been calling and waiting for that perfect opening. This also means you have to be flexible... but we promise it will be worth it! Because of how strange this year has been, we had more cancellations than usual, BUT many diligent people called in and booked great seats for sold out shows like Cinderella and Grease.
So while we do recommend you book early (and often), for those who love the thrill of booking a last-minute date night or girl's night - remember this one thing, CALL US!